So lately I've been busy learning how to use my latest camera - the Canon EOS REBEL T3i. It seems everyone and their mother owns one, hence there are many reviews on this camera so I won't go into detail other than to give my personal use experience.
This camera was an early Christmas gift from my husband. As my experience in photography develops, so does the camera. I couldn't wait to get home and open it up.
It was a kit containing the following items:

1. The Camera (of course)
2. Battery Pack (with protective cover)
3. Battery Charger
4. Wide Strap
5. Interface cable
6. Stereo AV Cable
7. EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk
8. Software Instruction Manual
9. Camera Instruction Manual (which I am now using religiously instead of my usual way of learning anything - push buttons first, figure it out later!)
10. And of course their standard zoom lens, the EF-S 15-55mm zoom lens. This standard zoom lens is designed with Canon's Optical Image Stabilizer technology which allows sharp hand-held shots at shutter speeds up to four stops slower than otherwise possible. For now, it's good enough!
Some of the accessories contained in the kit |
Whenever I need to practice using my camera(s), my loverbird, Houdini, (other than my backyard squirrels), is my most favourite subject to photograph. He never seems to mind and is always ready and willing. I tried to dig up old photos of him using my previous camera - an old Olympus camera, which is still a great camera by the way, to compare photos with this new Canon Rebel camera.
When I first started using the camera, I kept it on the 'A+' setting - where everything is done automatically and which is the suggested setting for beginners. I could see an immediate difference in picture quality, both colour and sharpness, but it wasn't until I started using the 'macro' setting that I could really see the difference.
Then I just went crazy!
By the end of this photo shoot, this camera made me look like I knew what the hell I was doing... you know, like an expert! For that reason alone, I LOVED it!