This is living in STYLE! I've often mentioned many times to my friends and family that I'd love to own a motor home when and if I live long enough to retire, instead of a house, so I can travel in comfort and see the Americas! I knew there were some 'nice' motor homes out there but I had NO idea there were ones like THESE!
Look at 'em people! This here is the 2014 Millennium H3-45, S4 #10082... 2014? Whatever. But just check it out!
Can you imagine cruisin' down the highway with one of these? People would think I was some rich bitch. Lordy! Wait 'til you see the insides!
Whoa! Those are some big-ass windows! I think they should have made the wipers bigger, lol.
And another model....
The paint designs are just awesome!
Man-o-man! This one even has a custom trailer attached to match the custom motor home!⤵ Hello!
Now for the pièce de résistance - the insides as promised!
Did I mention these were inside........................ a motor home?
Their attention to detail is amazing! As they've claimed on their site - "Each cabinet is hand built with the talent of an artist and the hands of a craftsman." They weren't kiddin' guys!
Wow! Even the attached trailers are huge inside!
Did you read that? We can fill it with toys!
Check the insides of another one here....
Ooooh! Everything is so shineeeeeeee!!!!!
Cleaning would be a BREEZE in these things!!
That's it! I'm too depress to continue on. I'm only making myself suffer more and more... I was trying to find a price on their site for one of these masterpieces but unfortunately you have to contact them. Still, I wish they would have put the prices up so we had some idea. I really don't have a clue! All I know is I want one..... someday!
Flickr photos By MillenniumLuxuryCoaches
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