
Nov 28, 2015


In case you haven’t heard by now, North Koreans have been instructed to copy Kim Jong-un’s “ambitious” hairtyle, so what does the National Post‘s Mike Faille do? Did his version of what several prominent celebrities and politicians would look like with the leader’s coiffure, and we have to say that all actually wear it well… except for Trump!

The trademark hair is swept back from the forehead and seemingly held up with some sort of hair product and the sides are shaved.

Kim Jong-un | Source


Nov 10, 2015

DOG SAVES BABY (with Umbilical Cord Still Attached), From Dumpster

Warning: Disturbing Photos

Angels come in many forms…

There are images of a dog holding a baby with its umbilical cord still attached going viral and we don’t really know the true facts of the story since there are conflicting accounts of what actually happened. All, however, seem to say the same thing – the baby survived.

Some sites stated the incident happened in Brazil, while the majority said it took place in Oman, in the Middle East:

The absolutely unbelievable incident took place in Kharbika, Oman, as a man was riding his bike on Saturday morning, October 31, the man noticed a stray dog walking on the road with something in his mouth. He noticed blood drops on the road and went closer to the dog to take a closer look, and when he did, he couldn’t believe what he saw. 
According to the man, the dog was holding a newborn baby boy in his mouth; the baby – a couple of hours old – even had his umbilical cord still attached!!

Sep 26, 2015


What’s better than the seeing the Pope or dogs? Dogs dressed as the Pope! You know how those Americans just love dressing up their dogs and since the recent Papal visit to the United States, there’s been a lot of photos trending of some seriously fun looking #popedogs that are popping up all over social media.

Babs who lives in Philadelphia with Colin and Erica Cissne featured in a number of Instagram pictures | Foxylauralou | Source

j_reid123 – Instagram

Sep 20, 2015

My Story of the BACKYARD Birds and the BABIES (5 Chapters)

So today I went through my albums and compiled some pictures of the house sparrow birds and all the drama that took place this summer in the backyard as they prepared for their youngs.

It took me some time but 50+ photos later, I have managed to put it all together in a form of a story consisting of 5 Chapters.

Some of the shots were captured through a patio door, (hence the shots weren't quite as clear),  so as not to disturb them since they were so easily startled even when I would carefully, and slowly slide the door open.

Chapter 1
Getting ready for something?

Sep 14, 2015


These images went viral back in August which I found quite amusing and just had to share with you guys!

If you can’t grasp how the corporations of the world works or the economy in general, perhaps these humorous graphics created by Newstalk ZB, using two cows will do it for you. Maybe hidden in these comical images lies a grain of truth?

Sep 6, 2015

Aug 21, 2015

The Real-life TEDDY BEAR Dog From Canada

Actually Tonkey’s 100% Shar Pei but most would say she looks more 100% teddy bear so we’ll go with the latter. She has become famous on Instagram much to her owner’s surprise who originally created Tonkey’s account for ‘the sole purpose of making friends’ for herself but it seems Tonkey is now the one with all the friends (and fame)!

She’s from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and now has over 69.8k followers on Instagram the last time we checked! Tonkey is a Chinese Shar-Pei who has what’s called a bear coat, which is, if you can believe, an actual disqualifier in an American Kennel Club show ring, (but we don’t care and apparently neither does the rest of the world), making her look a little bit like a Chow-Chow.

Jul 30, 2015


What's that saying... There’s always a double for everyone out there? Well I guess it includes animals…

Source: twitter

“The party animals of the internet”

Jul 18, 2015

Meet the Adorable MATILDA, the Cat with the 'Alien' Eyes

Meet Matilda, the tabby cat with the alien eyes. She lives with her loving servants who include The Bearded Man, The Lady, and Dog.


Matilda, born on Valentine’s Day in 2013, was saved by the rescue society and after much searching for answers to her eye problems by her owners, it was discovered she suffered from spontaneous lens luxation, a condition where the lens spontaneously detach.


Jul 5, 2015

This 12-foot Python Ate Its LAST MEAL When It Decided to Eat a PORCUPINE

I found this next story so fascinating because I really thought snakes could eat anything - and get away with it. I mean, they'll even other snakes!, as you'll see in that video I posted at the end. This one’s huge meal became its last as the needle-sharp quills of a porcupine it ate seemed to have punctured the snake’s digestive tract, possibly resulting in its death.

Source: cnn

May 27, 2015

Guy Builds Awesome TREEHOUSE Plus Skate Bowl and Hot Tub

Now this is the life! I wish I could afford to just quit my job and be able to do something like this!

“My family’s owned the property that the treehouses are on for 20 years. We’d always just come up here and go camping.”

“There’s this really cool row of douglas fir trees on top of the hill so I thought, ‘Hey that’s a good spot to build a treehouse, right there with the best view,’ so that’s what we did.”

And build he did!

May 11, 2015

The “SALTY GIRLS” Project. Beautiful Women Fighting Cystic Fibrosis

The “Salty Girls” project, (so called because of one of the common symptoms associated with the disease: extremely salty skin), started off as a running joke, according to photographer Ian Pettigrew, but has turned into a worldwide phenomenon.
© Ian Pettigrew

Apr 9, 2015

THEN and NOW: 14 Famous Movie Locations

There are movies we’ve watched that we never forget and usually those movies accompany certain scenes in real locations in which we relate those movies to, for example Marty McFly’s house from “Back to the Future” or that famous scene in “Pretty Woman” of Richard Gere going up the fire escape of a building to declare his love for Julia Roberts. Those were real scenes. But how have those scenes/locations changed over time? Some apparently have aged well, while others – not so good. I’ve tried to include videos where possible of some of the actual scenes/locations from the original movies.

So how many of these movie classic scenes do you remember?

1. The historic Golden Nugget casino, featured in the James Bond film ‘Diamonds Are Forever‘ in 1971, underwent a $100 million renovation.

The famous scene can be seen about 1:18 secs into the video below.

Mar 27, 2015

LOVEY and DOVEY Sitting I̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶T̶R̶E̶E̶ On a FENCE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

Captured some love doves getting all lovey-dovey on the fence. They don't call them that for nothing!

Unfortunately, the images were shot through a patio door (except for the very last one), so they were not as clear as I would have liked them to be. Nevertheless, you get the picture!

Out of all of these 35 shots, there is one that is my most favourite! Can you guess which one?



Mar 15, 2015


I have never seen anything like this before - brown sugar on a stick. Actually, it's brown OR white sugar - on a stick. No more fumbling for the sugar bowl and spoon.

Feb 13, 2015


We often see iconic photos which captures poignant moments in time but rarely do we get to see the photographers behind those photos. Thanks to one American photographer, Tim Mantoani and his “Behind Photographs” series, this may not have to be so rare anymore.
Mantoani has photographed more than 150 other photographers along with the photos that made them famous, using a Polaroid camera – itself said to be an extraordinary rarity – a 20×24 instant camera that produces plates of 20 inches by 24 (appr. 50cm x 60cm). The camera weights 235 pounds (106kg) and has its own custom wheeled tripod.
The photos of these photographers have been viewed by millions, and some are considered the defining representations of the historic events or people that they’ve captured. The portrait series is available in book form on Amazon
I'm not sure what #16 of Muhammad Ali was about, with the arrows stuck in him but perhaps some of you do. I don't expect you to know the photographers behind these famous photos but how many iconic images did you recognized?

1. Jeff Widener – Beijing 1989

Jeff Widener – Beijing 1989

Jan 29, 2015


They always give you that guilty look then they try to hide somewhere. But little do they know we can still see them. Check out these hilarious photos of dogs who think they're hiding from us. Do any of them remind you of YOUR dog?

Jan 21, 2015


Trees and plants apparently have the flexibility to incorporate objects into their growth if the object is left long enough near them. The bicycle-eating tree (the first two photos), on Vashon Island, in Washington, D.C. is one of the more popular ones but they are all amazing to see!

The bicycle-eating tree in Washington | Source: oddee

Jan 13, 2015

CRYSTAL BLUE PERSUASION - Tommy James and the Shondells (MY VIDEOS)

So I was watching The Expendables 2 the other day (I know, I'm really behind on my movies), and I was so excited to see all my old favs once again all together. And I mean really excited.

It was like, "Oh my God, look at Sly! Oooh boy, there's Jason whatcha-ma-call-him.. Statham! That's Jason Statham! Look how good he still looks! Hey that's Terry Crews. He hasn't changed a bit! Oh my God! There's my handsome fella - Lundgren, that's Dolph Lundgren. Oh my God! Bruce Willis is in it too?? That's great! Hey! It's Arnie!! I can't believe this!... and Jean-Claude Van Damme! Too bad he's evil in this movie. I love Van Damme.. OH. MY GAWD. Look at Chuck Norris. He looks so different. I love Chuck Norris. He's great!"

And on and on it went until at one point my husband 'threaten' to shut the movie off, if I didn't calm down.

I'm just so sick and tired of all the UNNECESSARY killings happening all over the world and just wanted to watch a good ol' fashion movie where the GOOD GUYS WIN!

Anyways, there were some awesome classics played throughout the movie some of which included  "The Wanderer" by Dion DiMucci, "Mustang Sally" by Mack Rice, Groovin'" and "Beautiful Morning" by The Young Rascals, "Rip It Up" by Little Richard, "I Just Want to Celebrate" by Rare Earth, and one of my all time favs (which also inspired me to create the lyrical video) -  "Crystal Blue Persuasion" by Tommy James & the Shondells"...

Jan 1, 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 To All My Readers! Photos of Celebration Around the World!

Happy New Year 2015 to all my wonderful readers. What a busy year it has been for me and I'm sure for you all. To bring in the new year, I've decided to share some photos of celebrations from around the world starting off with Australia since they're always one of the firsts...

Did You Know -  Pacific island of Kiribati, is the first inhabited place in the world to enter 2015?

View of the ‘Midnight Fireworks’ above the Sydney Opera House [EPA] | Source: