
May 27, 2015

Guy Builds Awesome TREEHOUSE Plus Skate Bowl and Hot Tub

Now this is the life! I wish I could afford to just quit my job and be able to do something like this!

“My family’s owned the property that the treehouses are on for 20 years. We’d always just come up here and go camping.”

“There’s this really cool row of douglas fir trees on top of the hill so I thought, ‘Hey that’s a good spot to build a treehouse, right there with the best view,’ so that’s what we did.”

And build he did!

His name is Foster Huntington and he’s the photographer and blogger behind two projects one of which involved spending 3 years on the road in his van and meeting other van dwellers which resulted in his book entitled Home Is Where You Park It. Both were a success online and has paved the way for this third and latest project called The Cinder Cone.

He along with a bunch of friends who are all carpenters, built this amazing treehouse… along with a studio house for guests, both around 220 square feet, a skate bowl and a hot tub, outside Portland, Oregon.

“It’s been totally wild just kind of actually doing what I dreamed up. Like, ‘Oh yeah we should do a bowl here, and put a hot-tub there…’ It’s crazy,” he told mpora in a phone interview.

“The skate bowl was always part of the plan, I’ve always been a skater.”

“I feel like it’s important to live in a place that’s really inspiring to live and in this day and age of the internet you can kind of work from wherever.”

“People have these notions that you have to move into the city but you really don’t. I have Wi-Fi here and full 4G internet. And that’s all I need to make a living, so I could be here or I could be in Manhattan and it’s way cheaper to do what I’m doing here.”

“People spend money on the stupidest shit houses-wise. They get a big house, or get a big apartment and then they just fill it with all this dumb shit that’s super-expensive. Like a $3,000 chair or something. And I’m like, ‘Does that make you any happier? Was that ever your dream?’”

“The whole project has been expensive, like I don’t know probably like £110,000 ($173,000 US) or something like that. But you couldn’t get shit for that in Manhattan or anywhere else.”

“I feel like instead of defining themselves by what they do, people start defining themselves by what they own. Cos stuff is expensive. And not only is it expensive but once you have it you feel obligated to use it.”

“Moving into a van, I only had space for the stuff that I needed, for the shit that I really wanted to do. Treehouses are the same. This is small, like 200 square feet. So it forces you to be a lot more specific about the stuff you have.”

“Because it’s small it forces you to spend most of your time outside doing stuff. Skating the bowl or whatever.”

“It’s just about being inspired by what’s around you. That’s what the treehouses are about to me.”



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