
Sep 8, 2013


So I was taking a few shots of the neighbour's cat... again, because this time it was on my fence and not on theirs when I happened to snap that cheeky squirrel going by - talk about perfect timing! I am a bit fascinated with this cat, and cats in general since I don't have one of my own.

I assume this is how they act - laying around anywhere they please.  This one, however, seems to love hanging around our place.  He's always under my car, on my door step or as you can see now - on my fence, lol.

He also doesn't seem to give 'two shits' about me taking pics of him, since he looked at me then turned away. I'm not sure if it's a him though.  I will have to find out from my neighbour... and it's name.

Anyways, before snapping these pics, I was already taking pics through my screen door of the cat.  It wasn't until later, when going through them that I noticed that cheeky squirrel in the background...

Then a few minutes later, after capturing that one going by, another one was right there on my fence!! It was like... WTF?

Cheeky squirrels... cheeky animals...  or just a really friendly neighbourhood??
Whatever the reason, the cat didn't seem to care for all this drama and decided to leave....

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