
Sep 2, 2013


There have been wasps buzzing around the neighbourhood lately, my front door to be exact, and my son was sort of freakin' out about the whole thing each time he had to enter and exit the door.  Finally, I decided to call in the experts.

For a while there, I felt like I was on an episode of whatchamacallit again... uhm, Billy, The Exterminator?

Anyhoo, she came a few days later all decked out in her gear but I wasn't watching from the outside - no siree!  I was staying behind closed doors... (see video at the end).

I felt bad for spying on her through the window but HEY!  I had to do what I had to do!  Eventually I went out there to speak to her, (see video at the end).

She explained to me why my conventional method (using a can of RAID), didn't work.  All in all, it was quite an experiencing day...

"I'll watch from inside - thank you."

 Of course, just when I wanted to take a few photos of them buzzing around - there was none to be found!  After awhile, I was able to capture 2, lol.

She had to spray some kind of dust spray into every nook and cranny outside the house!

She said she'd be back in a week, but so far...........   so good!!  No signs of anymore wasps!

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