
Dec 25, 2012


So today I awoke to have some tasty fish salad on toast served up for me from my wonderful husband.  You see, we had our Christmas dinner the night before, (you know, the usual turkey, ham, stuffing, gravy and all that good stuff), since I had to work on Christmas day.  I know, it sucks, but someone has to do it. The health care industry never closes. 

Anyhow, I was feeling a bit down since I had to go into work, so he whipped me up some yummy treats!  And the best way to my heart - is through my stomach!  Yes, men, it's not only you.  I too, love food!  Anyone who knows me, knows that my favourite hobbies are eating and sleeping - since I never seem to get enough of or find time for both!

So what are you doing on this fine Christmas day?
Do you have to work too?  I also have to work New Years day!  My gosh!  What was I thinking?

Anyways, here's hoping - to all who celebrate this wonderful occasion, you have a safe and happy holiday and....

MERRY CHRISTMAS, see you in the New Year!!

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