
Jul 30, 2015


What's that saying... There’s always a double for everyone out there? Well I guess it includes animals…

Source: twitter

“The party animals of the internet”

Jul 18, 2015

Meet the Adorable MATILDA, the Cat with the 'Alien' Eyes

Meet Matilda, the tabby cat with the alien eyes. She lives with her loving servants who include The Bearded Man, The Lady, and Dog.


Matilda, born on Valentine’s Day in 2013, was saved by the rescue society and after much searching for answers to her eye problems by her owners, it was discovered she suffered from spontaneous lens luxation, a condition where the lens spontaneously detach.


Jul 5, 2015

This 12-foot Python Ate Its LAST MEAL When It Decided to Eat a PORCUPINE

I found this next story so fascinating because I really thought snakes could eat anything - and get away with it. I mean, they'll even other snakes!, as you'll see in that video I posted at the end. This one’s huge meal became its last as the needle-sharp quills of a porcupine it ate seemed to have punctured the snake’s digestive tract, possibly resulting in its death.

Source: cnn