
Jul 29, 2014


So I came across another short,but heart-wrenching story, this time coming out of China of a boy who had dreams of living it big and the doctors who were grateful for what he did in the end of his short-lived life:

An 11-year-old primary school student, Liang Yaoyi, from Shenzhen, China who suffered from a brain tumour decided to donate his kidneys and liver shortly before his death.

He previously wanted to become a big boss who made lots of money so this way he could take care of his mother, but since the tumour, his wishes had change and said if he could have lived he would have became a doctor to cure everyone’s illnesses.

His wish was fulfilled on June 6th, when his organs he wanted to donate, saved several lives.

The above photo shows him in the intensive care unit, where little Yaoyi had already lost consciousness and was no longer able to close his eyes by himself, so the nurses put a thick layer of medical cream onto his eyes.

In a touching act of gratitude, after the operation, the doctors pushed the boy’s body out of the room and bowed down three times to him with his mother grieving in the background.

Jul 17, 2014


I'm sure you've all heard the story by now of a father who sent out a request to some Reddit users in regards to having a photo of his baby girl Photoshopped. The grieving dad's daughter was always hooked up to tubes before she passed away at only six weeks old and he wanted a 'normal' photo of her.

Little, Sophia passed away from a liver tumour and Nathan Steffel wanted to remember his daughter.

(Photo: Nathan Steffel/Reddit)

Jul 14, 2014


So today I came across an artist from Instanbul - Hasan Kale, who paints on things so small an unimaginable that I had to post it on here. Take for example peanuts in a shell. He doesn't paint on the entire shell but rather on the peanut itself! Half a peanut at that! He'll paint a drawing on a piece of the shell, not the whole shell. Nothing is too weird or too small for him to paint on! Amazing!

Jul 4, 2014


Wanted to share this interesting story I came across a few weeks ago about an amazing artist of another kind.

Vinnie Myers
This is truly a unique and inspirational story coming out of Finksburg, Maryland of a tattoo artist turned breast cancer savior. Little Vinnie’s Tattoos do the usual tattoo designs ranging from swordfish and skulls to complex Japanese-style art. But women with breast cancer who come to visit him, from far away as India,come to him for one reason and one reason only – to get a three-dimensional nipple tattoo by the owner, Vinnie Myers.

As women with breast cancer know all too well, finding out you have breast cancer and then losing a breast to it, can leave them feeling alone, devastated and feeling ‘ugly’.

Usually after a woman undergoes a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, the new breast is like a blank canvas since the sensitive skin of the nipple and areola is often removed entirely. The operation can recreate the size and shape of the patient’s natural breast by using her own body tissue or implants, but it cannot recreate a nipple. And doctors who do do tattoos of nipples are not tattoo artists to begin with and should leave that to the professionals.

As word spread of his skills, Myers became so inundated with clients that he had little time for his ‘regular’ tattoos. He said that in 2010 he decided to stop doing nipple tattoos. Then something happened:

“The morning that I planned on telling the guys to stop taking appointments for them, my sister called to tell me she had breast cancer,” Myers recalled.

He took it as a sign and has been doing it ever since.
